Altered Books from start to finish Sat. June 1 all day ! w/ Juliana Coles


Altered Books from start to finish Sat. June 1 all day ! w/ Juliana Coles


What is an altered book? An altered book in an Artist Book term that takes a preexisting book form- an old library book, a vintage book from a thrift store, or a book from your own shelf that we add mixed media experiments to and create a new book!

Summer is about travel and road trips whether you drive cross country, go camping, or have a retreat in your own back yard! Join my Altered Books Road Trip Adventure and learn to create a book for both outward and inner travel! Altering a book is easy and doesn’t take any skill- you just need a few basic techniques to create a personalized Travel Journal, Visual Journal, art journal, artist book, sketchbook etc.! This workshop is for all levels, no experience necessary! See you at my Albuquerque North Valley Studio for an all-day creative exploration with tons of inspiration!

$85.00, Saturday June 1, 9:30 - 4:00 (1.5 hour break for lunch), includes most materials.

The Journey begins with an old library book, weathered atlas, vintage textbook or any other pre-existing book form that can be altered. You can choose a book with a specific theme (or destination) or pick up any book that appeals to you. You may have the perfect book on your shelf! In this workshop learn the basics such as how to remove signatures, how to hinge, add fold outs, tabs, and pockets (for maps, notes, etc.), how to add new pages and secret envelopes, as well as set up chapters or sections using found object tabs.  We will get creative with mixed media techniques such as collage, tape, glue, sewing, cutting and painting (most mixed media materials are provided). By the end of the day, you will have prepared an entire book from cover to cover! As your guide, I’ll help you chart the distance.

Choosing a book: Please choose a preexisting Hard-covered book (NOT soft-covered, not a blank book, sketchbook or journal, not a lined journal or composition book, though these will all work, the focus of the workshop is ‘Altered Books’). If this is to become a travel journal, you may want to consider size - something you can easily take on the road! For this project, we will be removing pages, so if you are thinking of working in a book you have already started, you may want to bring an extra book so you can practice page removal! Check out my “choosing a book videos” for book suggestions.

Supplies: A found book (or 2 or 3!) that appeals to you any size. Garage sales, library sales, probably your own bookshelf will produce the perfect book to alter!  See this older (and a much younger Jule) video for  how to choose a book! Also bring at least one big gluestick (I recommend 2-3! And don’t bother with the little ones), a corked backed metal ruler longer than the length of your book, a self-healing cutting board and a matte or utility knife. 

Wear apron or work clothes - this can get messy! Feel free to bring snacks or drinks. There are plenty of places nearby for lunch (I’ll provide a list), or feel free to bring lunch and eat outside at my lovely picnic table beneath a shaded tree!

All ‘Altered Books Road Trip’ participants receive a workbook that provides detailed instructions for all our book altering steps!

I haven’t decided what I’m going to make in the class yet: I might make a book for a road trip I took to Utah last year, sort of an after the fact travel journal/scrapbook, but I also want to make a Fantastic Voyage book - something along the lines of a pirate fantasy journey, because, you know…!

Registration: Supply list and directions to my studio will be emailed upon receipt of registration. This is done manually, so please give me a day or 2! My website might say something about access code- there is no code. It may say pending- don’t worry about that- when I send your email, you are in! Message me with any questions or concerns

Most mixed media supplies are provided but you will need a few items: We will be creating tabs, so in the confirmation email you will receive suggestions for possible items to use for tabs. I will also have some for you to practice with.

Please email me if you have any concerns:

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