Seaposte + Letter


Seaposte + Letter


This is the pre-residency to get my feet wet. I am traveling to the survivors camp museum of the 1715 fleet disaster and just thinking about it fills me with excitement. This trip I am researching the Spanish treasure fleets, specifically the 1715 Plate fleet with 11 ships that were lost in a Hurricane off the Treasure Coast. I am studying contemporary efforts by the Spanish to salvage the lost gold, modern day salvage attempts by treasure hunters such as Kip Wagner, Mel Fisher and Sir Robert Marx and the beginning of undersea archeology. I am, of course, also researching the Golden Age pirates who attempted to collect the treasure. Perhaps Ann Bonny and Mary Read were in pursuit of the Queens Jewels? I’ll find out.

And like any artist residency, I need support. I’m not ready to begin a Patreon and create a full-blown research site, but that’s coming. For now, I’ll be needing funding. Did I mention I am leaving tomorrow? Here’s my idea:  I’m going to create a collectible full color printed 11” x 14” Letter of Marque, written in a pirate hand, to describe the journey of this pre-residency as I travel the Treasure Coast in pursuit of History. It will be artistically decorated and printed on both sides. This level is $15.00.

Next level is $95.00 and you receive an original collectible pirate seaposte - a 5” x 7” double sided mail art intercoastal postal piece sent to you with a private note, written by the pirate Captain Morgan La Fey, describing to you the journey. My original mail art pieces sell for $95.00 without the hand-written note. And no, they will not be mailed from Florida, sorry. I will make these partially on location and partially when I return. Please give 3 weeks for me to complete them and mail them off! The maximum I can do is 5 so reserve yours now!!

Letter of Marque $15.00

Original Seaposte $95.00

To receive BOTH the printed Letter of Marque and the original art Pirate Seaposte is $100.00!

SHIPPING: Even though I put in free shipping on the website, and it confirms that, for some reason the website says ‘pick up’ and where you can pick it up. Don’t worry about this. When you make your payment I also get your mailing address. And if I don’t, I will just email you for it! So go ahead and make your payment and I’ll sort out the delivery!

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