"Desert Compass" mixed media figure drawing on vintage folder by Juliana Coles


"Desert Compass" mixed media figure drawing on vintage folder by Juliana Coles


“Desert Compass”

Unframed, Mixed media original figure drawing on Vintage Folder

14.75” x 9.5”


$450.00 includes shipping

The folder figures begin as original figure drawings done at my Figure drawing group. A cache of manila folders from the 60's and 70's were donated to me by a retiring Albuquerque Public School librarian in the mid 90's. These bins of collage material sat in my garage until a few years ago when I decided to get rid of them as most of the image archives were plastic coated and not suitable for collage. While dumping the contents, the folders themselves caught my attention; I love the manila color, texture and thickness of the paper as well as the tabs and have kept myself organized in them since I was 14.

My art practice, pre-covid, included weekly figure drawing groups. Each week I created a handful of drawings from poses ranging 1-20 minutes. I go back to the studio, paint over, collage over and write over the parts that don’t seem to be working then I return to figure drawing and redraw, then cut, paste, paint, and draw and draw and draw until I get something that speaks to me. I never throw anything out. I work and rework until I discover a story evolving. The Folder Figures are a limited-edition drawing series of 50 that combine hand lettering with figures on vintage folders. I work on many pieces at once so any figure folder is years, possibly decades, in the making as I layer and rework.

I do not hire a model or manipulate the pose; I work with what is there (and what is not there). I may add the words in the bottom corner based on a song or overheard conversation, then years later add something completely unrelated. Eventually it all ties together to reveal a story. The story is what I am after. The light blue labels are handmade by the librarian and though I never pay attention to the file names themselves they usually play a part in the overall meaning of the piece. These drawings are never preconceived but spontaneously emerge from the unknown through a unique multi-layering process of breaking down and rebuilding.

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